Lower Mainland (Langley) Chapter
Meetings are held every third Wednesday @ 11:30am at the ANDREA'S RESTAURANT
The address is 20227 - 56 Avenue, Langley, BC
MENU: www.andreasrestaurant.ca Tel: 604 533 0111
(2 long blocks East of 200th St. & 1 block South of Fraser Hwy.)
<info@ancientmarinersofbc.com> General Inquiries
Bob Fiorillo, President <portkellstrading@telus.net>
Diane Brown, Secretary <dianebrown@telus.net>
Russ Cooper, Director <russcooper@jenvey.net>
Rien Van Der Velden, Director <rienvdv50@gmail.ca>
Lorraine McKee, Website Manager
Rick McKee
Ian MacPherson
Harry Thiessen
Vancouver Island (Chemainus) Chapter
Located in the Horseshoe Bay Inn Chemainus
1st Tues. of every Month @ 11:30 Hrs.
Contact: Paul M. Bottomley 1-250-245-2335 <ainlet@shaw.cal>
Mid Island AMC (Parksville)
Last Wednesday of Each Month @ 11:00 AM
FRENCH CREEK: Boar's Head Pub, #1, 1025 LEE ROAD, PARKSVILLE, BC (250-248-3713)
Contact: Earl Emery 1-250~591~0661 (earlemery57@gmail.com)
Mariners of the Okanagan
Contact: Stan Marshall @ 250-498-4400 or stanmarshall@persona.ca