Captain Dennis Overstall

Submitted by admin on Thu, 01/11/2024 - 13:12

As per Diane Brown, Historian:

Captain Dennis Overstall, long serving Captain at Seaspan, passed away on December 28, 2023, at the age of 79 at Nanaimo General Hospital,

Apparently, a memorial service to celebrate Dennis’s life will be announced soon. 


Stay posted




Submitted by admin on Sun, 12/24/2023 - 14:26

Best Wishes to all for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Bob Fiorillo, President of the Ancients Mariners Club, Lower Mainland on behalf of the  Executive and current Members. 

Despite a year of ups and downs it was great to see so many familiar faces at the start up of the lunch meetings after covid.  Hoping to see you all back in February when it will resume. 


Layton, Harrison James


It is with great sadness we wish to announce the passing of Captain Harrison Layton at 87 years of age. Harrison is survived by his loving and much adored wife of 66 years, Joan, and their daughters, Lanita, Larina and Nerissa, of whom he was very proud. Harrison was born in Rock Bay, BC and grew up in the wilds of the BC coast. He was raised in a cabin on a log raft that was poled up and down the coast for work for the family and through these times developed his love of the sea and nature. Harrison led a rich and colourful life. He was a cowboy at the age of 18 in Northern BC and in later years became a Senior Cutting Horse champion. He was a hard worker and always interested in trying new things, hence becoming a logger, a welder and then a seaman, working his way up from deckhand to Captain on the tugboats. In his early forties Harrison became a BC Coast Pilot (BCCP) and eventually President of the company for a two year term. In addition to his work career he was a volunteer firefighter for 14 years. Harrison was smitten by Joan from the moment he met her and they married in 1957, celebrating their 66th wedding anniversary this year. In almost every photo of the two of them and every day they were together one could see him gazing adoringly at Joan and vice versa. Harrison and Joan loved to travel, spending time on their boat, camping in their RV, including many winters in Palm Springs, and visiting countries around the world. Proud of his indigenous heritage Harrison was a great storyteller, a legend as a Master Mariner, a voracious reader, a self made man with a wicked sense of humor and a twinkle in his eye. A fiercely devoted husband, a loving and protective father, a good and loyal friend, he will be missed by many. In Harrison's words... "I attribute the beauty of the sunrises and sunsets to the quantity of ash, dust and smoke in the atmosphere. Following my demise I plan to contribute in a small way to the quality of the displays."

To send flowers to the family of Harrison James LAYTON, please visit Tribute Store.

Published online December 16, 2023 in The Vancouver Sun & The Province

Monteski, Thomas A.


MONTESKI, Captain Thomas A.
April 18, 1943 - September 25, 2023

Tom passed away at Saanich Peninsula hospital after a brief illness. He was predeceased by his parents, his infant son and his son-in-law. Survived by his wife Linda (McClung), daughters Jeanna and Leah, his extended family and the many good friends he made along the way.

Tom worked as a tugboat captain for Seaspan for 47 years and was very active in the CMSG. Tom enjoyed interacting with people in all areas of his life, whether it be mentoring people at work, hosting "kid's day" parties, meat draws at the Army and Navy, or just entertaining friends and family. Tom was well known for his debating skills and loved to actively "discuss" things, especially with his favourite debating partner and longtime friend Hugh Pite.

He travelled many places in the world with his family and through his work, but had a special love for Maui where he travelled to almost every year for over 32 years, his Ohana on Maui gave him great joy. Tom thrived in the sense of community he felt in both Deep Cove and Puamana where he was well known to be a leader or instigator depending how you looked at it. He was often found helping neighbours, hosting parties and providing special projects for neighbours to participate in (special thanks to Chris Lott).

Tom was known for his larger-than-life personality, his zest for life, his sense of humour and his ability to make friends everywhere he went. Tom will be remembered by all that knew him and missed by the many that loved him.

A celebration of his life will be arranged in a few months.

Published by Victoria Times Colonist from Sep. 29 to Oct. 1, 2023.

Captain Thomas A. Monteski

Submitted by admin on Thu, 09/28/2023 - 18:19

As per Diane Brown:

I regret to inform you of the passing of Capt. Thomas Monteski, on September 26th,

at the age of 80.  Tom commenced with Seaspan in 1962 and served until retirement.

This information showed on Facebook with pictures of Tom.  Any obituary will be shared.


Haydahl, Sverre


HAYDAHL, Captain Sverre (Sam)

The Haydahl family wish to announce the passing of Captain Sverre (Sam) Haydahl. Sam is survived by his wife Josephina, his son John and his three daughters Sarah, Krista and Jessica.

Sam immigrated to Canada from Norway setting up home in West Vancouver where he and Josi raised their children.

"Never bored a day in his life".
A caring, generous, patient and dependable person to all who ever met him.

Sam worked as a logger on Vancouver Island and Haida Gwaii. He was commissioned to fell a yellow cedar which was carved and sent to Queen Elizabeth II and it still stands proud and tall in Windsor Great Park.

Sam loved the sea, working on tugboats for 41 years. A true mariner at heart he shared his ocean-going days with his family and friends, often taking them out on the tugs while he worked.

After retirement he volunteered guiding blind skiers in cross-country events across Canada and Norway.

Sam was a kind and loving
husband, father, brother and son.
He was one of the good ones,
a gentle soul and we will forever miss him.

There will be a celebration of Sam in the fall, if you would like to attend or have a memory you would like share please email

Published by North Shore News from Aug. 16 to Sep. 15, 2023.

Wilson, J.E.


Captain (Ted) J.E. Wilson February 12, 1918 - November 3, 2008 In loving memory of our loving father and mentor. Predeceased by brother Douglas, grandson Brent Daniel, age 16, and granddaughter Sabrena Jacqueline, age 35. Survived by his loving wife of 68 years, Eunice, sons Daniel (Glennis) and Ted (Joslyn), and their children, Blake (Rachel), Bruce (Su) and Ted Jr. (Angelita), all of whom continue the Wilson Family name. Great grandchildren Isaac, Ruby Rose, Grace Sabrena, Ezra and Taylor further Ted's family for another generation. Captain Ted will be fondly and respectfully remembered by his many shipmates and employees whom he has introduced to the Marine Industry during his 50+ years of West Coast Maritime involvement. Hundreds of Sea Cadets will remember him as bandmaster of R.C.S.C.C. Lonsdale, and the years of award winning performances as a Sea Cadet marching band. Captain Ted was able to acquire and establish an operating fund for the 90' Tug M.V. Straits Cadet for the R.C. Navy League to enable cadet training to be done on a large vessel. He used many of his commercial contacts and his reputation to see this cadet dream became a reality. Thousands of readers have read of Captain Ted's life in his biography, 'Full Line, Full Away: A Towboat Master's Story'. After retiring from Seaspan as Port Captain, Ted and Eunice spent many happy years cruising the BC Coast on their M.V. Seapet, introducing their grandchildren to the wonders of boating in BC. No Service at Ted and Eunice's request. Ted's ashes will be scatted at sea according to his wishes. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Delta Hospice Building Fund, Box 19036, Delta, BC ~ V4L 2P8, or at . On line condolences at Delta Funeral Home 604.946.6040

Sandberg, John Halvard


SANDBERG Capt. John Halvard, affectionately known as "Pup-pup" by many of his numerous grandchildren, peacefully passed away on January 18 at Morgan Place Nursing Home. He was born to Johan and Hedvig Sandberg on February 12, 1917 in Fort William, Ontario. John joined the RCNR in Port Arthur in 1938 serving his country through World War II as a Chief Petty Officer. Following the war, John settled on the West Coast and began a long career with the Canadian Pacific Railway, retiring in 1979 after serving as Captain of the Princess of Vancouver for many years. Early in his career, while serving on the Princess Alice, he met Gladys, his wife of 54 years. John and Gladys lived overlooking the Fraser River in North Delta until 2004. John was preceded in death by his brothers Harold and Henry, his sisters Heldy and Helga, his step-daughter Joan and his step-son Richard. John is survived by his loving wife, Gladys, his brother Eric (Dee), seven grandchildren and numerous great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. John also leaves behind many dear friends. John was truly a caring and wonderful gentleman. His kindness touched all who were blessed enough to know him. John will be greatly missed. Services details to be announced. Memorials can be made in honor of John to Trinity Lutheran Church, 11040 River Road, Delta, B.C., (604) 584-0111 or to the charity of your choice. The family would like to thank the wonderful staff at Morgan Place for the great care they gave to John over the last few years.

Winter, Edward


Captain Ed Winter passed away peacefully on the morning of Friday July 21, 2023 in Nanaimo, BC.
Dad was born in Belgium on February 6, 1931. He left home at the age of 15 to begin a lifelong career of working at sea. Starting out as a cook's helper, he travelled all over the world and upon seeing Vancouver for the first time in 1953, decided it was here that he wanted to live. He immigrated to Canada in 1955 and continued to work in the industry on the West Coast and all over the world until his retirement from Seaspan International in 1996. In 2017, he moved to Nanaimo to be closer to his family.
Survived by his daughter Christine (Kent), son Mike (Donna), grandchildren James and Emily, great grandson Linden, extended granddaughter Hayley and family, niece Martha, nephew Edward and family in Belgium.
A private service will be held at a later date to scatter Dad's ashes at Mariner's Rest in Howe Sound, BC.
We would like to thank the staff at Woodgrove Manor for the wonderful care of Dad in these last months.

To send flowers to the family of Edward Winter, please visit Tribute Store.

Published on July 24, 2023